Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Broken Hallelujah

I'm starting to think God works on me through my womb.  I know, that sounds weird.  But, the reason why I started going to church was because I was grieving my infertility and needed the "rituals".  I thought it would be comforting.  Ha.  That was the beginning of God working on my heart, and it didn't take long before I realized what I had been craving and missing the whole time was a relationship with Him.  I was in the shower when I prayed the sinner's prayer and surrendered my life to God.  Strange place, but it happened and my life has never been the same since.  God took my sadness over not being able to get pregnant and turned it into something beautiful: a relationship with Him, a new church family and eventually, led us to our beautiful daughter through adoption.  After she was home and ours, and I had enough energy to reflect, I praised Him for the infertility.  If I had gotten pregnant easily, who knows how much longer I would have resisted Him.  I would rely on my self-sufficiency even longer.

But, I did not praise Him through the Dark Time.  Instead, I cried out, begging for healing, begging for fertility, begging Him to hear me and take pity on me.  I went to a place where I thought if I was good enough, served enough, changed my life enough that He would answer my prayer and allow me to become pregnant against the odds.  This is what has been referred to as the Gospel of Sin Management.   Thankfully, I go to a church led by a staff of pastors who work really hard to teach their members about going past being a "lukewarm Christian" or an "ala carte Christian" and being a true follower of Jesus.  Because of the things I was learning through them, I started to realize that my behavior would never be good enough, and that I need to abandon all hope of ever earning favor. We can never earn our way into Heaven.  Instead, I had to trust and rely on Christ, and that He had a beautiful, divine plan for my family and me, and to follow Him through it.

Today, in my new Dark Place, I am so, so grateful for the foundation that has been laid for me.  I keep thinking about Luke 6:47-49, "As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.”  And also, the lyrics from Casting Crowns, "And even though my heart is torn, I will praise You in this storm."  I am shaken, but I will not fall down.  The storm is scary, but I will not fear.

It is laughable to me, sometimes, that I thought once I turned my life and the control over it to Christ, that it would be easy.  It is easier, in some ways, in that I don't have to rely on my own strength anymore.  I can lean on Him.  But, God never called us to be comfortable.  He never promised that following Him through everything would be sweet and easy and peaceful.  Jesus told us there would be trouble.  Living on earth and being a human is hard sometimes.  There are Light Times and Dark Times.  And no, I am definitely not comfortable right now.  My heart aches, my confusion can drown me sometimes, my frustration overwhelms and takes over.  As a believer, I rejoice that my son is in Heaven and never had to experience this world.  As a mother, I mourn my flat belly, my empty womb, the loss of the life I would have had with Gideon.  

When we conceived naturally after three years of infertility, I was in shock.  I felt like I had it figured out, that God had given me two beautiful children, one biological and one adopted, and that was the end of His plans for the number of children I would raise.  I never expected Him to put me into a place where I became part of the Tribe of Women Who Lost Their Babies.  I never expected that I would so soon be back in the Dark Place After Death, and that I would have to learn to praise Him from here.  Because this place between heartbreak and healing seems cavernous sometimes, and the darkness can overwhelm me. But, once again He is working on me through my womb.  His light is shining in on me and revealing things to me.  For instance, this blog that reminds me that I can praise and serve Him from wherever I am in my life, even the place where I have doubts, where my heart is hurting and there is darkness. And song lyrics from All Sons & Daughters that remind me that God takes our brokenness, our ugliness and makes it beautiful and delightful to Him.   I want to tell everyone I see: YES, it is possible to feel hurt and disappointed and still LOVE GOD.  And trust Him.  And believe that He is good.

I will never be perfect, far from it actually.  I am a sinner.  This earth is broken and crying out for Him, and I join in.  I cry out to Him, these broken hallelujahs.  Because I love Him.  I love Him, even in my Dark Time.  I trust Him.  I desire Him.  I want to spread His good news: that God has overcome this crazy world, and that the One that created the heavens and the heavens' heavens, the God of Abraham and David and the One that holds the whole earth in His hands...He sees us, He loves us and He sent his only son to die to save us.  Yes, my son is dead.  Yes, God saw it coming.  Could He have stopped it?  Of course.  But do I want Him to change His plan for my life because I am grieving? ...Sometimes.  But, I trust Scripture when it tells me that God is working all things (even the crappy things) for MY GOOD.  And I will spread His light even from my Dark Place.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fifteen Days Later...

I can't believe it has already been over two weeks since The Day.  That is pretty much how I've been measuring my time: Before The Day and After The Day.  Sometimes it is hard to remember what I did or what I talked about before I was pregnant with Gideon.  I'm starting to feel normal though.  Slowly but surely.  I cycle through different emotions all day.  Mainly I'm ok, my family and normal life keep me busy.  It's not so hard to be alone anymore.  Last week I couldn't be alone or quiet for too long or I would start to dwell in the sadness and the grief.  Sometimes it just overtakes me like a flood.  I grieve for my son, the life he could have had.  I grieve that I never got to meet him, or hold him, or comfort him.  I never got to see him learn to walk or smile.  These things are what plague me.  I miss the son I would have raised.

Yesterday, exactly two weeks after The Day, we went and looked at headstones.  We chose a sweet image of Jesus holding a baby.  It will also have his name, his birth date and the Judges 6:12 verse on the back.  I think it will be a perfect monument that shows our forever love for our son, no matter that we got so little time with him.

I also had an appointment with my OB/GYN yesterday.  We talked a little about what happened with Gideon's umbilical cord.  She said it looked to her like it formed wrong, rather than it being an accident from his movement, but we can never know 100% for sure.  I can't decide if that makes me feel better or worse about it, to be honest.  I try not to dwell on his cause of death.  But she did reassure me over and over how rare cord stricture is, and that I should go on to have a normal pregnancy.  We are doing the miscarriage blood panel, which checks for genetic anomalies in my blood, blood clotting disorders, etc.  I think it will comfort me to have the blood work done.  Although I've had one normal pregnancy seven years ago, I would like to just check and make sure that I'm ok to be pregnant.  She gave us the green light to start trying to get pregnant again, and prescribed Metformin for me to take, which is how I got pregnant with Gideon in the first place.  I will be considered high risk in any future pregnancies, but she explained that that is just because of bad history, not because my body can not handle pregnancy.  It mainly means extra monitoring for peace of mind, especially between 15-22 weeks. She said she'd do a quick ultrasound at every appointment, and if I was feeling nervous at any time, I could come in for a quick heartbeat check. I just love  my OB.  I'm so glad she gets it, and cares.  God blessed her with a level of empathy that some other doctors can lose over time.

I am still not completely sure how I feel about moving forward and getting pregnant again.  I will never "actively" try to get pregnant again.  I don't want to ever stress about it and just let it happen if it's meant to be.  I'm trying to trust God in His perfect timing, and His perfect plan.  Sometimes I go through phases of anger with Him, or bargaining with Him.  Like I will say to Him, "if you just let me get pregnant again quickly and have a healthy baby, then I will trust You again.  I will trust that You hear me and care."  I will rage at Him for taking Gideon so soon.  I will rage that He can't help me understand why.  Sometimes prayer seemed...pointless.  Like why talk to Him, if He is just going to ignore me anyway?  I prayed continuously during my pregnancy with Gideon for a healthy baby, and look what happened.  He allowed Gideon to die.

But, ultimately, these are angry flashes in the pan and die out quickly.  I am reminded over and over of God's sweetness.  His goodness.  His faithfulness.  I am humbled over and over and come to Him in prayers of thanksgiving, of sorrow over my bad attitude.  I trust Him, I trust that He is making all things work together for my good.  I trust that He sees my tears and wants to take them all from me, and grieves for my broken heart.  I believe He is sad that He can't reveal the whole big picture to me now, but that I will understand someday when I am reunited with Him and with everyone I have lost.  His love drowns my doubts and I fall more and more in love with Him every single moment.  He has given so much out of His love for me.  He forgives me continuously.  I will not live a life of sadness and fear, but of joy and trust that He sees me, hears me and loves me.  And for that, I am so incredibly thankful.

"Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him."

-1 Chronicles 16:11